Your well-being is important, not only for yourself but also the people around you. We all have the ability to make the journey back to ourselves and enhance our well-being.
I started my journey about ten years ago. Things were not going my way, I was stuck in a job I did not find meaningful and I felt a general lack of purpose. So I started to read and write. I collected the info necessary to give me a new direction. I started to practice yoga and mindfulness meditation. At one point I wandered into a meditation hall and started to learn Vipassana meditation.
After the week-long retreat, I kept practicing and started to notice considerable changes in my emotional and cognitive functioning: I experienced happiness more often, more contentment, my memory was improving, and I was able to focus better. Mindfulness created more opportunity to spot the spaces in between: space for reflection, space for second-guessing, space for more informed decision-making, space for choice whereas before I was often operating on automatic pilot.
What was going on here? What was so special about meditation? I bundled my newly gained focus and determination to examine that question at the ELTE University and five years later I graduated with a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology.
In 2021 I started the University of Oxford Mindfulness Foundation’s training pathway for MBCT teachers and in 2022 I was found fit to teach.